Rotary Club of Baripada - Rotary India

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Total Services 57
Co-Hosted the Oneday Women Empowerment Prog

Rotarians Co-Hosted the One day Women Empowerment n&Felicitation pr. . .

One day Forest Fire Awareness Programme in Rural

Members Organised a One day Forest Fire Awareness Programme among T. . .

Observation of World Cancer Awareness Day2025

Members Observed World Cancer Day by Organising a Cervical Cancer . . .

Two days Annapurna Project

members Dostributed Lunch at Mother teressa home for Senior Citizen. . .

Pratibha Annweshan program

Members Organised a talent Hunt contest among School Students in . . .

Observation of NATIONAL YOUTH DAY :2025

Members Organisedn a YOUTH Ralli On the Occasion of National Yo. . .

Annapurna:cookedfood services

Members Provided breakfast &Cooked food and celebrated Makar Fest. . .

Awareness on Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas:2025

Members observed Pravadi Bharatiy Divas:2025 by Organising an Yo. . .

Provision of cooked food & Winter Clothes

Members Served Cooked Food in Jeevan Jyoti Charity Home for chil. . .

Weekly Meeting

members with Rotract and Youth Volunteers of Different school an. . .

Annapurna : Cooked food service

Members provided one day Breakfast & Lunch to the inmates(The diffe. . .

Blanket Distribution at CHC,Betnoti

Members n distributed 100 nos of Blankets to the patients (57+43)at. . .

Mid Year Service Projects Review Meeting zn 1&2

Our Club awarded Second Prize in the Mid Year Service Projects Revi. . .

Inter Interact Club Football Tournament:2024

RC, Baripada organised Two days Dr.Binode Kishore Das Memorial Int. . .

Installation of Peace Tower

Peace Tower as recieved from District office was installed near Ma. . .

Preparatory meet on International Youth Day:2024

Members decided on Observation of International Youth Day:2024 on. . .

Mega Health Camp Dental,Skin,Eye, GyenechologyMdcn

The Club Organised Two days Mega Health Camp at Barehipani &Gudgudi. . .

Mental Hygiene awareness Program for Youth

Members organised mental Hygiene awareness programme for Youth,In . . .

Interact School Competitions on Environment

Members organised Essay,Debate and Art Competitions among 05 nos o. . .

District level Gita Chanting Competition

Members.Organised District level Gita Chanting Competitions at Swa. . .

BLOOD DONATION CAMP at SVS, Sirishbani ,Baripada

Members Organised A Blood Donation Camp at Swami Vivekananda Shiksh. . .

Youth Talent Quest Program RYQN-2024

Members so and organised a district level three days Youth Talent . . .

Observation of Childrens Festival pre arrangement

Rotarians hold a meeting with Public Regarding information On Orga. . .

Health Camp at Mahima Ashram,Bada sahi,Mayurbhanj

Members Organised Two days Health Camp(Eye and Dental Check Up) w. . .

Observation of World Polio Day :2024

Members Organised an Awareness talk program on Poleo eradication. . .

Health Check up and Medicines Distrution

Members Organised Twodays Health Camp in the proposed Cyclone Shelt. . .

Mega Health Camp :Eye and Dental Check up program

Members Organised Mega Health Camp for Eye and Dental Check up was . . .

Project Annapurna : servings Cooked food

Members served cooked food at Jeevan Jyoti Charity Home for Differe. . .

Cloth Distribution in Women Senior Citizens Home

Members Distributed Saree and Gamchha to 33 Nos of Women In senior . . .

Annapurna Project

Members Served one day Breakfast and Lunch To the Students of the . . .

Career Counselling program for Youth

RC ,Baripada organised a career counselling programme under vocatio. . .

Nari Shakti -Awareness On Empowering women

Members of Rotary Club in association with Urgus News Ltd,Odisha we. . .

Massive Plantation under Project Mission Green

Members of Rotary Club Baripada planted 80 Nos of ( Fruit bearing. . .

National Nutrition Month: 2024

Members organised An Awareness Programe for Students- Adolescents o. . .

International Peace Day:2024

the members Organised a school level Essay,Debate and Art Competit. . .

Swachhata ABHIYAN under Clinliness Drive

Members Organised an One hour Swachhata Program in Campus of M.KC . . .

International Literacy Day &NBA2024

Club Literary Committee organised Nation Builders Award Distributio. . .

Mental Hygiene Awareness Program ( 2nd phase)

Members organised the second phase Mental Hygiene & Mental health a. . .

Awareness on Personalised Learning unde

Members organised Awareness talk on the above topic for making le. . .

Awareness of Senior Citizens

President ,RC,Baripada as Chief Speaker attended a District level . . .

Mental Hygiene of Youth Awareness Program

RC, Baripada organised An Awareness Program on Mental Hygiene of yo. . .


Members Distributed One day Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner to the seni. . .

Massive Plantation: Mission Green.

Members Planted 170 Plants in Adopted Village of our club : DIGUSAH. . .

Motivational Talk for Youth

RC, Baripada Organised Two days Motivational talk for youth on Topi. . .

HAR GHAR TIRANGA :2024-Child Art Competition

Members Organised A District level Children Art Competition"SIT &. . .

International Youth Day:2024

Members observed International Youth Day:2024 With the Youth Volun. . .

Mass Plantation : Mission Green.

Members planted total 50 Nos of Plants(15 Fruit bearing,12 flower b. . .

World Breastfeeding Day:2024

Members Organised An Awareness meeting In Adhar NGO Office conferen. . .

Awareness on Dengue,Malaria& Filaria xa

Members organised an Awareness programme on Dengue,Malaria and Fila. . .

Annapurna Project

Members organised Annapurna Project where Breakfast, Lunch & Dinn. . .

Organ Donation Rally

Members Organised an organ Donation Ralli with 50Nos of Girls Vol. . .

Installation of water Purifier

A livwpure brand WaterPurifier was installed in The Special School . . .

Plantation at School Campus

Members planted10 nos of Fruit bearing trees in St.Merry Convent Sc. . .

Distribution of Snacks at Charitable Home for Dif

on the Occasion of Celebration of DGs Birthday members visited Jee. . .

Awareness on Maternal and Girlchild Healthcare

Members organised an Awareness Program on Maternal and Girlchild He. . .

Club Installation

New Office & officers installation ceremony was organised in pre. . .

Two days Water Water Distribution Project

Members Distributed Waters to thousan nos of Devotees during car fe. . .

Plantation -Mission Green

Members Planted 15 Fruits and Flower bearing Plants in MPK Girls Hi. . .

Sicklecell Disease & Filaria Awareness Program

One day Sickle Cell Disease and Filaria Awareness Program was condu. . .